The Relationship Between Music and Fashion
Music and fashion had had a mutually inclusive relationship over the years. It has always been the one influencing the other; either fashion influences an artist’s choice of style or an artist’s creativity creates a new fashion trend. This relation has been in existence for many years since music videos and artists began to appear on television.
The relationship between music and fashion exists in either of the three forms;
- Collaboration between an artist and a fashion designer to create a masterpiece.
- Musicians creating their fashion designs that are loved by many fashion designers.
- A popular culture created through a music genre that creates a fashion inspiration for designers.
Several kinds of music and fashion collaborations have existed over the years; Madonna’s collaboration with Jean Paul Gaultier, Grace Jones’s collaboration with Jean-Paul Goude, Marilyn Manson, and Goth, among others. These collaborations involve the designers creating a fashion statement through the publicity and fame the musicians have, thereby creating a trend that the world falls in love with.
Music genres like rock n roll, jazz, pop culture, etc also created a fashion trend during their time of popularity. Jazz greatly affected the clothing choices of the flappers in the 1920s, and rock n roll had a major influence in the 50s, while pop culture left a mark on the 80s.

1920s Jazz
1950s Rock N Roll

1980s Pop
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The 1940s in fashion
The 1940s was a decade plagued by the second world wars. These wars lead to a lot of limiting factors on clothing, fashion, freedom of expression, and living in general.
During this time, men were sent to the army, and women were left behind to take up jobs they weren’t used to, to keep the economy going and hold down the home fronts and communities. Fashion became limited but inclusive nonetheless.
There was the military-style of fashion which was popular due to the happenings of the time, and towards the end of the decade, Christian Dior tried to bring back the days of joy and peace with his New Look fashion line.
Before the release of Dior’s clothing line, what existed was considered utility clothing. As fabrics were only available around the world by rationing, what was made available had to be utilized to the fullest. With the German forces occupying France, getting clothing out of the fashion hub of the world proved difficult so other parts of the world had to utilize the designers they had and create clothing themselves.
Music in fashion in the 1940s
Their music of the 40s was very particular and positive to suit the times they were in. Although they later influenced the rock n roll craze of the 50s, during the 40s ‘Big Band‘ music style was solely meant as a distraction for the wars that were taking place.
The famous musicians of the 40s we Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, and Count Basie, among others. Their influence in fashion was minimal, as most designers like Gaston-Louis Vuitton mostly did what they could to appease the government in power and not necessarily appeal to the public desires.
Some major influences of fashion were Katherine Hepburn, Betty Davis, and Rita Hayworth. Their influence, however, was mostly based on their sex appeal.